welcome to Mertzon Meat Co.

We’re proud to be your local, state-inspected custom meat processor, dedicated to providing high-quality processing for cattle, sheep, goats, swine, and wild game. From fresh cuts to smoked specialties, we take pride in serving our community with expert butchering and exceptional meats. With a 50-year legacy of excellence, Mertzon Meat Co. was founded in January 2022 when Brett & Lynne Griffith of Del Rio and Jock & Jimalee Dutton of Sonora took over the long-standing Nicholson’s Meat Market, ensuring the tradition of quality continues.

What We Offer:

Mertzon Meat Co. is a state-inspected, custom harvest facility that processes cattle, sheep, goats, and swine with the highest standards of care and quality. We offer year-round wild game processing, ensuring hunters receive expertly handled meat. In addition, we produce all-natural dog food and treats in collaboration with Lucy’s Legacy and a state chemist, providing top-quality nutrition for pets. Our retail store features a variety of specialty products, including smoked meats, jerky, jarred favorites, and fresh cuts, bringing high-quality, locally sourced meats to our community.

  • Shop online

    Shop our selection of high-quality jerky, flavorful summer sausages, and a variety of specialty meats, all crafted with care at Mertzon Meat Co.

  • Cut sheets

    Access our cut sheets for beef, lamb, goat, and swine to customize your order to your exact preferences.

  • Wild game processing

    Access cut sheets and information for our year-round wild game processing to ensure your meat is handled with expert care.

 FAQs & disclaimers

  • We are a state-inspected, custom harvest facility that processes cattle, sheep, goats, and swine. We also offer year-round wild game processing for hunters.

  • Yes! Our retail store carries a variety of fresh cuts, smoked meats, jerky, summer sausages, and jarred specialty products, all available for purchase.

  • To place an order, call us at (325) 835-2611 or visit us in person. You can also access our cut sheets online to customize your order for beef, lamb, goat, swine, and wild game.

  • Yes! We produce all-natural dog food and treats using recipes developed in collaboration with Lucy’s Legacy and a state chemist, ensuring high-quality nutrition for your pets.


To avoid paying a 4% finance charge, please pay with cash or check.


207 South Broadway Street
Mertzon, Texas 76941

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Jock Dutton
(325) 450-2654
Bret Griffith
(830) 719-3163
(325) 835-2611